One Piece Chapter 1038 Spoilers: Kid & Law vs Big Mom

by January 26, 2022 0 comments

Spoiler's for One Piece Chapter 1038 is out now. Things are heating up, according to spoilers title of the chapter is "Kid & Law vs Big Mom". The release date of the official English translation is 30 or 31 (January). So without any delay let's talk about the spoilers.

*Note - No Break Next Week

Title of One Piece Chapter 1038 -

"Kid & Law vs Big Mom"

Leaked Image of One Piece Chapter 1038 -

Spoilers of One Piece Chapter 1038 - 

  1. On the cover, Yonji and Niji have been trapped - by Big Mom in the Mont d'Or creature book.
  2. Raizou vs Fukurokuju, both are burning but they don't release their jutsu's.
  3. Chopper is worried about Zoro and the adverse effects of Mink's medicine.
  4. In front of Zoro appears a skeleton with a large scythe.
  5. Izo has defeated his enemies but the CPO appears. It seems that they leave him aside because they have urgent matters to attend to but Izo stops them.
  6. Yamato tries to stop the fire demon by attacking it directly.
  7. Kid & Law vs. Big Mom.
  8. It seems that at first Big Mom had defeated them.
  9. Big Mom walks towards where Kaidou is but Kid and Law attack her again.
  10. Kid & Law: "Listen, old lady!!"
  11. Kid & Law: "Even if we die, we won't let you - to the roof!!!"


More than anything, I'm more excited for Raizou vs Fukurokuju battle 😂😂. And finally, after a long time, we will see our adorable Tonny Tonny Chopper. But I don't know what is that skeleton that appears in front of Zoro because there is not a single image leaked yet of that skeleton with a large scythe, and we will get to see Izo vs CPO, Yamato vs Fire demon, Kid & Law vs Big Mom.

Sachin Tiwary


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